The Captured Thought appearing in The New Statesman. A description of recent research undertaken by Prof. Nicky Clayton and Prof. Clive Wilkins.

For further information visit:

Two new papers exploring how magic provides insight into the ways animals process information. From Elias Garcia-Pelegrin, Prof. Clive Wilkins and Prof. Nicky Clayton.

‘The Lost Library of Miraculous Metaphors & other short stories’ available in United Kingdom from 25th June 2021 featuring the original cover design ~ or alternatively, obtainable via the international edition, which is now live

The Lost Library of Miraculous Metaphors & other short stories by Clive WILKINS

The Lost Library of Miraculous Metaphors & other short stories is in its final edit phase and is likely to be ready for publication early 2021. The author Clive Wilkins has been able to devote more time than was expected to the project during 2020.

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Set amongst the exotic and floating islands of South East Asia, somewhere between the Indian and Pacific Oceans~ Alvaro Fuentes, a distinguished research scientist with little memory of his past, due to circumstances beyond his control, is convalescing in the hope he might assist the authorities with their investigations into a series of catastrophic events that have jeopardised the future of the entire region and perhaps beyond. In coming to terms with his condition and the calamity for which he is seen to be largely responsible, Professor Fuentes is forced to reinvent himself and reconstruct his life as best he can. Without a memory of the past to assist him, the possibility of creating a future seems increasingly unlikely. The main stage for the developing and unfolding narrative is the quiet and rarefied splendour of The Lost Library of Miraculous Metaphors~ a strange and magnificent room imbued with magic.

Once again Clive WILKINS produces a work exploring the nature of consciousness, perception and memory. The novel sets out to be a series of visual and sensory delights from the moment the flickering curtain of the eye opens until it finally closes.

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The Captured Thought~ Nicky Clayton & Clive Wilkins in Germany’s DIE ZEIT. An article written by Stefan Klein. 22nd April 2020.

It’s a Kind of Magic

An article, describing recent work by Professors Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins of The Captured Thought, written by Jacqueline Garget, can be found on The University of Cambridge website on 6th March 2020 at 

Follow the link to see the interview.

 Join Nicky and Clive Live at the Cambridge Science Festival on 14th March, 2020 to explore the subjective experience of thinking and what this reveals about our minds.

The Moustachio Quartet outside the University of Fine Arts, Berlin

The Moustachio Quartet~ recently sighted in India.

RIP Simon Aronson~ Chicago Magician~ 1943-2019

Simon and Ginny Aronson at the 2019 Science of Magic Conference held in Chicago.
Simon Aronson with Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins of ‘The Captured Thought’.